Systematic Finance

Systematic Finance - financial modelling services, financial training, financial model audit and review, financial modelling books


Systematic writes books in the Pearson Education Mastering Series that are aimed at practitioners and students. The approach is 'hands-on' to provide explanations and tools for building better models using the tried and tested Systematic Design Method.

Applied Lease Finance is a comprehensive Excel e-book and disk combination for lease pricing, analysis and evaluation.

Mastering Financial Modelling sets out a practical design method and explores examples from financial analysis, corporate finance, fixed income, derivatives and leasing:

Mastering Financial Modelling - comprehensive text book demonstrating the Systematic Design Method for superior models

Mastering Risk Modelling demonstrates advanced techniques in modelling and shows how to deal with risk and sensitivity efficiently:

Mastering Risk Modelling - intermediate to advanced modelling incorporating uncertainty, risk techniques and Monte Carlo simulation

Mastering Financial Mathematics in Excel comprises a complete financial mathematics course in Excel as an alternative to using financial calculators:

Mastering Financial Mathematics in Excel shows how to apply maths principles and techniques to Excel models

Mastering Cash Flow and Valuation Modelling builds a complete financial analysis, cash flow, debt cover and valuation model according to Systematic's best practice principles:

Mastering Cash Flow and Valuation Modelling comprises a complete course on how to build cash flow, debt and valuation models

Applied Lease Finance is a technical introduction to financial mathematics and building leasing models in Excel:

Applied Lease Finance

Systematic financial modelling books cover everything from basic Excel techniques to advanced mathematics, risk and cash flow modelling


All the books use the Systematic Design Method that emphasises the importance of basic design principles, standardisation, flexibility and clear management reporting