- Mastering Financial Modelling by Alastair Day for financial modelling published by Pearson Higher Education & Professional
- Mastering Risk Modelling by Alastair Day for applied risk in Excel published by Pearson Higher Education & Professional
- Mastering Financial Mathematics in Excel by Alastair Day in the Mastering Series for Pearson Higher Education & Professional
- Mastering Cash Flow and Valuation Modelling by Alastair Day in the Mastering Series for Pearson Higher Education & Professional
- Applied Lease Finance by Alastair Day published as an e-book by Systematic and Amazon
- Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel by Berk and Carey including the StatPlus add-in www.cengage.com or learn.thompsonbooks.com
- Advanced Modelling in Finance using Excel and VBA by M Jackson and M Staunton published by Wiley at www.wiley.com
- Financial Modeling is a book and disk combination by Simon Benninga at simonbenninga.com
- Guide to Business Modelling (no CD provided) by John Tennent and Graham Friend at www.economist.com
- Risk Analysis by David Vose and published by Wiley at www.wiley.com
- Financial Models using Simulation and Optimization by Wayne Winston published by Palisade at www.palisade.com
- Simulation Modelling using @RISK by Wayne Winston and published by Duxbury at www.duxbury.com
- Excel 2019 Power Programming with VBA by Michael Alexander published by Wiley
- Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft Excel by S Albright, W Winston and C Zappe published by Duxbury at www.duxbury.com
- Business Forecasting with Accompanying ForecastX Software by J Holton Wilson and Barry Keating published by McGraw-Hill Higher Education at www.johngalt.com
- Financial Modeling using Excel and VBA by Chandan Sengupta published by Wiley at www.wileyfinance.com
- Excel For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Greg Harve published by Wiley at www.dummies.com
- Excel VBA For Dummies on John Walkenbach published by Wiley at www.dummies.com
- Microsoft Excel für Fortgestrittene (German) by Cornelia Nicol published by Microsoft Press at www.microsoft-press.de
- Microsoft Excel 2003 Formeln und Funktionen (German) by Bernd Held published by Buch AG & CO KG at www.mitp.de/
- The Oxford Guide to Financial Modeling Applications for Capital Markets, Corporate Finance, Risk Management and Financial Institutions by Thomas Ho and Sang Bin Lee
- Excel Data Analysis by Jinjer Simon published by Wiley
- Excel Sales Forecasting for Dummies by Conrad Carlberg published by Wiley
- Pivot Table Data Crunching by Bill Jelen published by Que Publishing
- Statistical Analysis with Excel for Dummies by Joseph Schmuller published by Wiley
- Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel by K Scott Proctor published by Wiley
- Dealmaking using Real Options and Monte Carlo Analysis by Richard Razgaitas published by Wiley
- Principles of Finance with Excel by Simon Benninga published by Oxford University Press
- The Definitive Guide to Business Finance by Richard Stutely published by FT Prentice Hall
- Damodaran Online: home page for Aswath Damodaran
- Excel 2019 Bible as a standard text by John Walkenbach published by Wiley
- Excel 2016 Formulas by Michael Alexander and Richard Kusleika published at www.wiley.com
- Excel 2013 Bible by John Walkenbach published by Wiley
- Excel 2013 Formulas by John Walkenbach published at www.wiley.com
- Excel 2010 Bible by John Walkenbach published by Wiley
- Excel 2010 Power Programming with VBA by John Walkenbach at eu.wiley.com
- Excel 2010 Formulas by John Walkenbach published at www.wiley.com
- Microsoft interactive website at Excel 2007 interactive guide.
- TI 84 Calculator Online advanced graphic and financial calculator
- Solver optimisation add-in for Excel and information at www.solver.com
- Financial CAD for a library of advanced Excel financial functions www.fincad.com
- ForecastX software from John Galt at www.johngalt.com/forecastx/
- TrumpExcel for tutorials, videos and templates at www.trumpexcel.com
- Chandoo forum for Excel resources at www.chandoo.com
- Financial Models Dealroom for modelling resources www.firmex.com
- ForecastPro at www.forecastpro.com
- Financial Models Dealroom for modelling resources www.firmex.com
- Business Functions for a range of Excel formatting and other utilities at www.businessfunctions.co.uk
- Excel assistance from www.mrexcel.com
- Excel downloads and add-ins from www.tushar-mehta.com
- How to Excel by John MacDougall at www.howtoexcel.org
- Officetuts for tutorials, examples and shortcuts
- Excel automation services, training, and software at www.automateexcel.com
- Excel statistics add-in at www.xlstat.com/en/
- StatistiXL, a data analysis package for Excel at www.statistixl.com
- Statistics add-in at www.winstat.com
- OLAP in Excel at www.xlcubed.com
- EstateMaster real estate add-in at www.estatemaster.com
- Maths in Excel at http://digilander.libero.it/foxes/SoftwareDownload.htm
- Office add-ins at www.office-addins.com
- Project Analyzer at www.aivosto.com/project/vba.html
- Rate yield curve model at www.yieldcurve.com
- Spider Financial for analytical and statistical software tools and services for securities trading, risk management and financial operations
- EZplot for plotting and data calculation
- Good Calculators for online calculators, such as math and statistics, engineering and conversion calculators
- Spreadsheet Detective auditing tools www.spreadsheetdetective.com
- Navigator utilities at www.navigatorutilities.com
- PopTools statistical add-in poptools.software.informer.com/
- J Walk and Associates for Excel add-ins such the Power Utility Pack at www.j-walk.com
- TheModelAnswer financial modelling and Rainbow Analyst auditing software www.themodelanswer.com
- Spreadsheet Navigator for relationships between cells in a graphical format at www.brandywine-software.com
- Audit Excel at www.auditexcel.co.za
- The Excel Auditor and Tools at www.bygsoftware.com/default.htm
- Spreadsheet checklist at www.chacocanyon.com/essays/spreadsheetchecklist.shtml
- Operis Analysis Toolkit (OAK) at www.operisanalysiskit.com/
- Excel tool for comparing Excel spreadsheets and Excel databases at www.synkronizer.com
- Formlist auditing tool at home.uchicago.edu/~rmyerson/addins.htm
- Spreadsheet Selector Object Library for extracting data and formulae at www.addix.com
- Synkronizer to compare update and synchronize spreadsheets at www.synkronizer.com
- Explode auditing tool at www.xl-logic.com
- Named ranges information at www.cpearson.com/excel/named.htm
- ScanXLS software for Spreadsheet Inventory and cross-reference links mapping
- Byg Software for the Excel Auditor at www.bygsoftware.com/auditor/auditor.htm
- Louise Pryor’s site for auditing and error discovery at www.louisepryor.com
- Spreadsheet Advantage at www.spreadsheetadvantage.com
- @RISK simulation add-in and other tools www.palisade.com
- Crystal Ball simulation add-in www.oracle.com/us/products/applications/crystalball
- Risk Analyzer simulation at www.add-ins.com/analyzer/
- Simtools and Formlist add-ins for Excel home.uchicago.edu/~rmyerson/addins.htm
- Oracle Primavera who publish a Monte Carlo add-in
- SimulAr simulation for Excel at www.simularsoft.com.ar
- MonteCarlito is a free Excel-add-in for Monte-Carlo-simulations at www.montecarlito.com/
- History of Excel at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Excel
- European spreadsheet group at www.eusprig.org
- Excel Nexus - Excel information at www.vertex42.com/ExcelLinks
- Collection of 200 Excel templates
- Excel Everywhere for putting Excel into web pages at www.exceleverywhere.com
- Excel Everest - an interactive program for a hands-on Excel learning experience
- Addix Selector for the ability to extract data and formulae from Excel spreadsheets without the need to open the spreadsheets using Excel at www.addix.com/products/selector/overview.html
- MS Excel XML file conversion utility XML to XLS at www.forgram.com
- SuperModeller for development of financial and reporting applications at www.econsult.com.au
- Statistics in Excel from www.practicalstats.com
- NAG for Excel add-ins www.nag.com/numeric/nagandexcel.asp
- Vanguard software for decision tree and simulation applications www.vanguardsw.com
- Lumina Decision Systems, the publishers of Analytica software
- Plum Solutions for modelling solutions at www.plumsolutions.com.au
- Derivicom develops financial add-ins and developer libraries that evaluate derivatives www.derivicom.com
- Wiley valuation home page wileyactual.com/valuation
- Corporate Performance Systems for valuation and consulting www.cpshome.com
- Stern Stewart www.sternstewart.com
- Risk Grades for risk information and scores www.nasdaq.com
- Bayesian networks with Hugin lite at www.hugin.com
- Decision tree add-in at www.treeplan.com
- Chris Mead for Excel on the web www.meadinkent.co.uk
- Ozgrid.com business applications at www.ozgrid.com
- Access Analytic providing financial modelling, management reporting, spreadsheet auditing and training
- Useful and time saving add-ins for Microsoft Excel, Outlook and MS Word at www.ablebits.com
- Dan Bricklin’s web site at www.bricklin.com
- Easter eggs archive at http://www.eeggs.com/tree/279.html
- Excel tips at http://exceltips.vitalnews.com
- Best Excel Tutorial for basic and advanced tutorials
- Mr Excel at www.mrexcel.com/pressbio.shtml
- Damodaran online at pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar
- London Business School Risk Measurement Service at www.london.edu/faculty-and-research/subject-areas/finance/academic-research
- Mathtools at www.mathtools.netbasic
- Wachowicz’s Web World at http://web.utk.edu/~jwachowi/wacho_world.html
- Wiillmott quantitative finance at www.wilmott.com
- Infinity Software for PowerOne calculator for Windows, Windows Mobile and Blackberries
- DataSafeXL spreadsheet security - secure Microsoft Excel files, protect VBA code,
- Museum of HP calculators for details of all Hewlett-Packard's present and former calculators www.hpmuseum.org
- KAL business cartoons at www.baltimoresun.com