Systematic Finance

Systematic Finance - financial modelling services, financial training, financial model audit and review, financial modelling books


Standardised model design and method are important for efficiency, transparency, clarity and reducing errors. Unplanned and inefficient modelling means that people spend too much time in building, changing and updating spreadsheets. Scoping and planning a model reduces the development time, eradicates most errors and improves efficiency.


Systematic develops, builds and rebuilds existing models: we start with the client objectives and produce an initial specification and plans before building models:

  • Describe and define the business situation
  • Decide the key outputs and level of detail required for different audiences
  • Assess the initial data and information available
  • Determine the time scales and time lines in months and years
  • Outline basic model structure and number of sheets in the model plan
  • Set out the main groups of calculations
  • Develop the outputs and management reports
  • Determine backing documentation and model book

Superior Financial Models - client objectives, user needs, outline plan, detailed outline, building, testing and auditing and user review


Scope a model and define a specification to ensure efficient and faster development to reduce errors and improve overall analysis